The current booming technology which ensures in reducing thefts through our personal code embedded on our valuables. The entity is partnered with the law enforcement agency which has access to Users' contact database. The user can register details of their valuables and law enforcement team has access to it. ProtechDNA has tie up with insurance firms too. ProtechRkidz ensures in child safety which uses location beacons to connect with schools, parents and children. The key tools used for whole security modules are
- DNA adhesive: Used on electronic items, which is invisible, applied on a dry surface and tough to remove.
- DNA labels: Used in bicycles, the labels are embedded with microdots which cannot be removed.
- Forensic property pen: This pen has a unique UV ink which is applied on all items, the cap glows with black light.
- Stealth spray: Used in sites, made of 40000 microscopic dots can be sprayed 400 times.
- Pawnshop: Criminals en cash money here for their stolen properties. The information of lost valuables can be cross checked with all the pawn transactions through users contact details.
- Window stickers: Used as warning messages to alert the criminals regarding the ownership of the property

The unique emphasize “lock and load” is embedded in the vehicles to ensure the vehicles can be monitored during theft situations. It avails multiple layers of protection to the vehicles upgraded with the feature.
Smartlock: is a sturdy cable to lock many products which provides 5 layered of
security into
- High Tech High Strenght lock.
- Tamper proof Features.
- Deterrent alarm.
- Forensic Property DNA.
- Pawn Proof.
- Alarm Padlock: is a unique lock security device which is made of shackle and deterrent alarm. The alarm alerts when the lock is tampered.
- High Security Bluetooth ULock: is the strongest lock accessed by mobiles with a USB charger. It is used in high-end bicycles with DNA Featured.
- Trailer Hitch Coupler lock: The locks designed to trailer thefts which prevents picking and prevents in unlock the key with built in DNA label.

The DNA Kit is the saviour
for vehicles from thefts !

Jesus! The vehicle is burglarized
by the thief and propelled.

Whoopee! The thief is caught
by the patrol officers.

Tracking the owner through IARLE basis

Bravo team! Owner got his
valuable back again.

Zip-code is one of the prominent factor of the system. It was a formidable task to manage such a huge bulk of zip-code used and run the system according to the code feed by the user. However this obstracle failed to stop our habile team and we successfully handed over the bug-free solutions to our client.
There was a mandatory requirement of a security system, so our team came up tih the idea to install a bluetooth lock, which would link up with the mobile app. This software would inform the owner and activate a siren if someone attempts to steal the bi-cycle.
ProtechDNA commenced with a mighty launch, and so, the site experienced really heavy traffic while in the budding stage. But with the constant support of our hardworking team throughout the proceedings of the launching, the site managed 15k+ user activities and 18k+ products at a time. What a commendable job!

Nothing worries you more than your valuables being stolen, or them being sold off at any pawn shop. But you can now stay calm and composed cause ProtechDNA will ensure your belongings are safe and secure. ProtechDNA kit constitutes of an adhesive with thousands of microscopic nickel dots. These dots comprise of your PIN(Personal Identification Number) which will glow under Dark/UV Light, so the law enforcement agencies could identify the owner of the property.
BicycleDNA kit provides a PIN( Personal identification number) which is registered in the national database. This PIN is accessible to every law enforcement agency around the country. So, when your bicycle is recovered, law enforcement could contact you.
Operate your ProtechDNA device through your mobile phone or on your PC with feasible UI. Now your valuables are protected, everywhere and all-the-time.

The Team worked on this project on a span of more than 2 years and completed 1st phase with a huge success. The Game doesn’t end here. We are upto 2nd phase now and The Website will be with more features and will be full-fledged in Canada territory soon.